This is the best apple pie recipe you'll ever come across. Enjoy!
We recommend Granny Smith Apples - they will give you the BEST flavor!
Cut 6-8 apples into thin slices.
Put the pie crust into the tin. We have had our best experience with Pillsbury Pie Crusts. They come 2 in a box and are inexpensive.
Take the sliced apples and add 2/3 cups sugar, 2 TBSP flower, 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Stir until all apples are coated evenly. Once you mix everything together - put the apples in the pie pan. You're almost ready to bake!
The best part of this pie is the topping - mix together 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of butter. The best result comes from a pastry cutter. Once mixed together, sprinkle on top of the pie. Cook the pie at 400 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
While waiting for the pie to cook, put kitchen things on your head and play ninja!
DONE! You pie is complete and your holiday gift is delicious :)